Monday, October 1, 2007

I'm a BLOGGER now!

Well we thought we would give this blogging thing a try.It seems like fun!


Cody, Ashley, Rilyn, Casen, Brigg, and Brooks said...

Well welcome to the wide world of Blogging (finally)!! Thanks so much for fixing me up today. My face looks much better now (I don't look like a cave man)! Let me know when you need the second book.

Chad and Amanda said...

Hey Brady, it's Amanda Garney. I found your blog page on one of friends. How are you guys doing? I didn't know you and Brooke got married. That is so neat. I just started blogging myself. Anyways, check out my blog and take care.

Becky said...

Tell Brady that Kent and Becky say HI!! I'm glad you guys have a blog so we can keep up with you.

laura said...

Hey Brooke and Brady! Good to see you guys have a blog! It is a fun way to keep in touch.

Cody, Ashley, Rilyn, Casen, Brigg, and Brooks said...

I LOVE your new background. Its so cute!! Did Brady pick it out??

Chunky Monkey said...

Don't worry..We didn't do anything.

Lis said...

Hey Brooke! Its been forever since weve seen you you probably dont even remember us!!! AH! Tell Brady HI for Brian! Im so glad you guys are doing good! I love the sand dune picture totally made me laugh! So Brady! haha!

Chunky Monkey said...

Just wanted to say thanks for getting us the hair stuff.That is so nice of you:)

Annie Randall said...

Brooke, good to see you started a blog! I'll add you to my links. Ya, lets all hang out again. I had fun... even though the gorilla man jumped out of the bushes at me!

Jensen Family said...

aw you have a blog now!! i love that picture of you and brady!

Chunky Monkey said...

hey how bout a new post

Colby and Malea said...


Chelsey said...

I'll buy that issue of People. So sultry.

Lis said...

Sooo i guess youre not really a blogger now...?

Bella Beginnings said...

I found you on Rachelle and Aarons. You guys look great. I was just contacted by WW cheer coach. They need judges... are you interested? Let me know.

The Schureman Family said...

WOW!!! I haven't seen you forever, this is Kami. I was blog hoppin and ran across your name...crazy!! I see Tyler pretty often now that he is hanging with my husband trying to get on with the dept.. Anyway... welcome to the blogging world, it's pretty fun and sometimes addicting. I'm going to add you to my friends link. You look awesome and so happy!!! Take care and keep in touch:)

Tami Kelley said...

OMG! Hey's Tami from NW. I got in touch with Shauna through FB and she gave me your blog site! Congratulations on your marriage & your new little addition...she is so precious!!! Give me shout when you get a chance (I have pics on FB). Talk to ya soon...